Outsidepride Gazania Red Shades - 100 Seeds

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Now: $31.44
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Gazania (Gazania Rigens Red Shades) - This gazania is a surefire winner in any flower bed due to its visual appeal and continual dependability. It boasts 3 inch mahogany flowers on a compact 10 inch plant which will also spread 10 inches. The large, daisy-like flowers come in a variety of colors (this one is called Mahogany) and are held above the basal foliage, forming a bright carpet of color when planted in large masses. Gazanias are good plants for the front of sunny garden borders and also perform well as a flowering ground cover when planted in large groups. Because of their heat and drought tolerance, gazanias are especially useful near driveways and sidewalks. They also do well in mixed container plantings. Gazanias are considered annuals in the north; however, in the warmest areas of the country, such as southern Texas and parts of California, they're short-lived perennials, usually not lasting more than a few years. If you deadhead the flowers and toss them where you want more, they will re-seed readily from their flower seeds. Gazania is a tough little plant that prefers full sun, will tolerate all soils and thrive with moderate watering. It will bloom profusely through fall, winter and into late spring in the south, then flower intermittently during the hottest months of summer before bringing forth another profuse flowering in the fall.