Outsidepride Gazania LoGro Striped Mix 100 Seeds

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Now: $20.44
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Gazania (Gazania Rigens Logro Striped Mix) - Logro gazania plants remain compact while extra large flowers are displayed. Plant height is just 3 - 5 inches and resists stretching without the need for plant growth regulators. Flowers are held on 4 - 7 inch stems and multiple blooms open together while new buds continue to form. Heat tolerance is superb. You can grow gazania plants in clusters for a mass bedding ground cover or you can even use this striped flowered gazania in hanging baskets or in patio containers which are in full sun. Gazania rigens is a native of South Africa that is easy and fun to grow. Flowers bloom in solid colors from bright yellow to orange, red, pink and white, or in wild color combinations with splashy stripes or rings of contrasting colors. Outsidepride offers many different types. Gazanias are considered an annual in the north but is a short-lived perennial in the south. If you deadhead the flowers and toss them where you want more, they will re-seed readily from their flower seeds. Gazania is a tough little plant that prefers full sun, will tolerate all soils and thrives with moderate watering. It will bloom profusely through fall, winter and into late spring in the south, then flower intermittently during the hottest months of summer before bringing forth another profuse flowering in the fall.