Outsidepride Gazania - 500 Seeds

Was: $62.88
Now: $31.44
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Hardy in drought-stricken regions, this low-growing plant is covered with large 3 - 4 inch blooms ranging in colors of red, yellow, orange, white and pink. Gazania (Gazania Splendens) ground cover will bloom 12 weeks after seeding. You just can't improve upon these huge blooms, glowing with bright color, that completely cover the small plants from early summer to frost. What makes this Gazania series so special is its combination of very big flowers, early and long bloom season, and ultra-tolerant low, spreading plants. Hardy in zones 8 - 10, gazania ground cover is a fabulous long-season annual elsewhere. Start seeds indoors 4 - 6 weeks before last frost, or sow them direct as soon as the soil can be worked in spring. They make a great permanent ground cover in areas where they are perennial -- particularly southern California and the deep South!