Yellow Pear Tomato Seeds ~25 Seeds - Heirloom Open Pollinated Non-GMO Farm and Vegetable Gardening Seeds

Was: $45.24
Now: $22.62
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Yellow Pear (78 days) Indeterminate. Yellow Pear are miniature pear-shaped tomatoes, that are yellow of course and 1-3/4 to 2 inches long. Said to be very sweet, so much so that most never make it to the kitchen and are eaten on the spot. My brother's kids used to eat these like candy in the garden. Tall plants bear large and continuous harvests throughout the summer. Sustainable Seed Company values food independence and sustainability through green agricultural and business practices. Our mission is to ensure a more sustainable future with healthier food options and integrity to the quality of our products. We do this by preserving one of our most precious resources - seeds!