Mortgage Lifter Tomato Seeds ~25 Seeds - Heirloom Open Pollinated Non-GMO Farm and Vegetable Gardening Seeds

Was: $38.48
Now: $19.24
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This is an heirloom tomato with a history to say the least! M.C. Byles (aka Radiator Charlie for the radiator business he ran) of Logan, West Virginia created this now legendary tomato by cross-breeding German Johnson, Beefsteak, English and Italian tomato varieties. Charlie had no formal plant breeding experience, just a determination to create the perfect tomato. After six years he succeeded! A tomato like that was hard to keep a secret and soon he was selling the plants for $1 each. Every spring people would drive from miles around to buy Charlie's heirloom tomato plants and it is said (now tomato legend) he paid his mortgage off in six years! Fruits are 1 pound or larger and borne in clusters of 2-3. The taste is sweet, yet rich and full bodied. Very few seeds. Sustainable Seed Company values food independence and sustainability through green agricultural and business practices. Our mission is to ensure a more sustainable future with healthier food options and integrity to the quality of our products. We do this by preserving one of our most precious resources - seeds!