Variety Leafy Greens Lettuce Garden Seed Kit - 10 Varieties 700 plus Non-GMO Open Pollinated Heirloom Seeds - Leafy Greens

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Now: $19.94
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Leafy Greens Seed Variety Kit - 10 Varieties, 700+ Non-GMO Open Pollinated Leafy Greens. Makes a great addition for a kitchen garden or small lettuce bed. Find your favorite leafy green. Fantastic value with 10 different varieties. Best part is that this kit is sealed individually in 4-mil poly bags inside a mylar bag and can be used for years if stored in dry / dark place. Varieties: Mammoth Red Rock Cabbage Southern Giant Curled Mustard Red Ruby Lettuce Romaine Lettuce Vates Blue Scotch Kale Long Island Improved Brussel Sprouts Slow Bolt Arugula Copenhagen Market Cabbage Red Russian Kale Magenta Sunset Swiss Chard