Mixed Malabar Spinach Seeds- Green and Red Varieties- Leafy Purple Vines- Open Pollinated- Non-GMO -25 - Seeds-

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Organic Malabar Spinach Mixed Green & Red Stem Varieties (Mixed up and in the same package) There are two varieties - green and red. The stem of the Basella alba is green with green leaves and the stem of the cultivar Basella alba 'Rubra' is reddish-purple; the leaves form green and as the plant reaches maturity as a anual, older leaves will develop purple pigment starting at the base of the leave and working towards the end. The "Red Type" is a unique variety that has red-purple vines and dark green leaves. The vines grow much faster than the Green Vine variety. I also like to grow this variety as a decorative plant due to the beautiful vine and flowers. Pick young leaves and tips for vegetable use, that will promote more side branches and new tips for subsequent harvests and they are very heavy bearers.  The Green Type is a little slower to grow and takes just a little longer to germinate that the red, but it makes larger leaves and vines and is EXCELLENT raw or stir-fried!Malabar Spinach has a mild taste to spinach; thus, its name.The plant is perennial, but it can't survive frost. Nor, though, will it bolt in the heat, as regular spinach does.It grows as though it were a vine, up to 6 to 14 feet long.It is a pick and come again plant. Harvest it over and over and over all season! You harvest the leaves very early.Being a climbing vine, the Indian spinach can often be found climbing walls or fences. It is a beautiful plant and instead of as a vegetable it could also be grown as an ornamental plantThe plant will produce bright purple berries(seeds), whose juice can be used as a food coloring.The green leafy vegetable is a rich source of vitamins like vitamin A, Vitamin C, Iron and Calcium. They are great for salads as they are low in calories and rich in protein. This semi succulent plant is high in fiber that helps in fast