Red Maranta Prayer Plant - Live Plant in a 4 Inch Pot - Maranta Leuconeura “Erythroneura” - Beautiful Easy to Grow Air Purifying Indoor Plant

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A tropical plant native to Brazil, red prayer plant is a popular and attractive houseplant. Its scientific name is Marantha and the variety is ‘Erythroneura,’ which means red veins in Latin. The red veins are in a herringbone pattern, giving rise to another of the plant’s names, – herringbone plant. The Maranta plant is a prostrate evergreen species that rises from rhizomes. It grows 12-15 inches (30-38 cm.) tall. The beautiful foliage is broadly oval and features 5-inch (13 cm.) long olive-green leaves with prominent red midribs and veining in a herringbone design. The center of the leaf is a lighter green and the undersides are even lighter still. Prayer plants’ water preferences hearken back to their native conditions in Brazil, Asia, and Africa. They like to be kept evenly moist and just barely damp to the touch. Do not let soil get too dry between waterings. Prayer plants need high humidity in order to thrive. Household humidity is likely too low for them. To give your prayer plant the microclimate it likes, group it with other plants or place it on a dish filled with pebbles and water. While prayer plants can tolerate low light conditions, they do best in bright, indirect light. They don’t like direct sunlight.