Green Maranta Prayer Plant - Live Plant in a 4 Inch Pot - Maranta Leuconeura - Beautiful Easy to Grow Air Purifying Indoor Plant

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Now: $44.96
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The Maranta leuconeura species has some of the most strikingly beautiful, decorative leaves in the plant kingdom. Maranta are all fairly low-growing, spreading plants with none reaching over eight inches tall, making them excellent for grouped displays of plants on a windowsill.? They thrive best when provided with greenhouse-like conditions: warm, moist, gentle airflow, and plenty of fertilizer. You can hang or set your prayer plant near a window where it will receive indirect sunlight. Never set your plant in direct sunlight because the sun will scorch the plant’s leaves or the leaves will develop blotches or patches and fade in color intensity. A prayer plant prefers normal household temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. During the growing season, water frequently and never allow the potting soil to dry out. Water the prayer plant when the top of the potting soil is just starting to become dry.