Dr Fischer Daily hygienic hydrating eyelid wipes Complementary aid for dry eye syndrome cleanse the eye area of ocular secretions Moisture enriched to effectively clean moisturize 30 Wipes

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The number of people suffering from dry eye symptoms has rapidly increased due to our modern lifestyle which is hard on the eyes. Eye-Care Dry provide your eyes with an easy and convenient answer to the most common needs: Wet and Hydrate- Keeps eyes well-lubricated and moist Wet and Comfort- Helps calm and ease infections, irritations, and eye discomfort Wet and Hygiene- Non-stick properties to protect the eyes from airborne debris and maintain skin hygiene Wet and Clean- Provides gentle and thorough cleansing for healthy eye maintenance Wet and Clear- Refreshes the eye surface for sharper, clearer vision Dr. Fischer Eye-Care Dry Eyelid Wipes will instantly help refresh and relieve your eyes from any strain or irritation. Easily and effectively clean your eyes of oil, debris, dirt, dust, makeup, crusted matter, ocular secretions and foreign bodies. Helps relieve those suffering from blepharitis, conjunctivitis, red eye, dry eye, styes and inflammation. Relief means that easing eye irritation caused by these conditions is finally possible! UNIQUE FORMULA Specifically created to relieve and protect your eyes. Enriched with: Eyebright (Euphrasia) - a herbal antioxidant known for its soothing properties Teflose - incorporates non-stick properties to keep eyes, eyelids and lashes clean and reduce the chances catch foreign contaminants Hyaluronic Acid to hydrate and moisturize Tea Tree Oil to purify and refresh eye surroundings Chamomile and Pro-Vitamin B5 to calm, soften and nourish the skin SAFEST INGREDIENTS FREE of preservatives, alcohol, parabens, SLES, SLS, GMOs, mineral oil, dyes and synthetic fragrances. Sensitive-Approved, Sterilized, Hypoallergenic and Tearless solution Tested and recommended by Ophthalmologists & Dermatologists Suitable for contact lens wearers