Acuaiss Cleansing Eyelid Wipes Hygienic and Hydrating Eyelid Wipes with Hyaluronic Acid and Aloe Vera. 20 Pre-Moistened Eye Tissues

Was: $47.88
Now: $23.94
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Acuaiss moisturizing Eyelid Wipes for ocular hygiene with hyaluronic acid, aloe vera and other natural extracts. Cleanses the eyelid area. Helps remove excess discharge. Preventing eyes from exposure to dirt, grit and foreign particles is very important and can be achieved largely through maintaining a regular and frequent eyelid cleaning. Eyelids play an important role in protecting the eyes and are extremely sensitive to adverse conditions. Dirty and dry eyes are prone to diseases such as Conjunctivitis or Blepharitis. The most important aspect of treatment is a good hygiene. Acuaiss Cleansing wipes are ideal for people suffering from excessive eye discharge or grease in the eye area.