Clematis Westerplatte - Live Plant in a 4 Inch Growers Pot - Clematis 'Westerplatte ' - Starter Plants Ready for The Garden - Beautiful Velvety Red Flowering Vine

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Large, rich velvety red blooms with dark red stamens add fantastic color to a small trellis or obelisk. Rambles beautifully through small trees or over shrubs. Blooms from spring to early summer, and often reblooms in late summer. A compact vine ideal for containers and small gardens. Deciduous. Plant this Clematis near an arbor, trellis or tree trunk where its twining leaf stems will quickly climb to reveal a profusion of dark red flowers in the summer. Clematis 'Westerplatte' is a large-flowered mid-season clematis (Pruning Group 2) that flowers in May to June. It should be lightly pruned in late February or March as well as after the first flush of flowers in summer. It should not be heavily pruned or flowering shoots will be lost. Remove dead or weak stems before growth begins and then check the remainder of the stems individually from the top down until a pair of healthy buds is reached: prune just above them, removing the spindly or damaged growth above Then prune again after the first flush of flowers to encourage a second flush of flowers later in the season.