Vorst Milk Thistle 150mg 120 Capsules 80percent Silymarin Extract Liver Health and Detoxification Liver Support Gallbladder Liver Detox Natural Cleanse Supplement Cardo de Leche

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Now: $27.94
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Milk Thistle helps maintain healthy liver function. Quality Milk Thistle! A healthy liver will regenerate healthy cells that keep the liver functioning properly. Silymarin is the main active ingredient in milk thistle and ours is 80% Silymarin extract. Have confidence in an effective and potent 80% silymarin capsule. Milk Thistle is believed to help detoxify the liver and aid the liver's ability to regenerate healthy cells.Helps to promote colon and liver health. Nutrients help in liver detoxification and colon detoxification. As a critical organ to your body, when your liver is performing well, your entire body feels better. Perfect alternative to milk thistle tea or powder, oil, softgels or tablets. Aids in the detoxification process.