VEGIFY Red Beet Veggie Crumbles Add a serving of veggies to salads meats pasta Replace croutons bacon bits and bread crumbs Vegan gluten free high fiber 7_5 oz Bottle

Was: $45.88
Now: $22.94
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Want an easy way to add more nutrition and flavor to your meals? Enter Vegify, the veggie crumble made from 100% vegetables. It’s a vegan, gluten free, non GMO replacement for crumbles, croutons, bacon bits, and more! We believe that veggies are awesome. So awesome, in fact, that we developed a way for you to add them to any meal, regardless of how much time or culinary skill you may have. It’s the birth of the modern veggie - one that can keep up with YOU. Quick Facts Healthy -¼ cup of Vegify = 1 serving of vegetables -Gluten Free -Non-GMO -Vegan Easy to use We put it in a shaker so you can put it on anything. Better yet? There’s no rush! Vegify lasts up to a year. Versatile You can mix it as a binding agent, coat it for a crunchy exterior, or top it to just add some nutritious color and texture.