Swanson Vitamin D3 5000 IU Bone Health Immune Support Healthy Muscle Function D3 Supplement cholecalciferol 125 mcg 250 Softgels Count

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Did you know that 75-90% of people in the United States are vitamin D deficient? Vitamin D is known as the "sunshine vitamin" since your body produces it as a result of sun exposure, but environment, age and even sunscreen use can affect how much vitamin d your body produces. Help cover vitamin d gaps in your diet, especially if you have decreased sun exposure or live in northern latitudes, with a Vitamin D supplement. Vitamin d is essential because it helps your body absorb calcium, making it a critical part of healthy bones and teeth, Plus, vitamin d also functions in immune health and healthy muscle function. New research shows vitamin D also supports colon health. While it's often hard in today's society to get enough vitamin d through your diet and exposure to sun, taking a vitamin d supplement is a great way to promote proper vitamin d levels and enhance calcium absorption. Unfortunately, most Americans don't get enough vitamin d from their diets. Living environments and work habits also limit sun exposure and can be risk factors for a vitamin d deficiency.