Survival Garden Seeds -Tendersweet Orange Watermelon Seed for Planting - Packet with Instructions to Plant and Grow in Your Home Vegetable Garden - Non-GMO Heirloom Variety

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Now: $29.89
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Survival Garden Seeds Tendersweet Orange Watermelon is a delicious variety with beautiful orange flesh. These seeds for planting in your family vegetable garden will help secure your family's food needs. Each package includes instructions for successful growing to help even a beginner gardener get started. Orange and yellow watermelons are older than the common red varieties and have long been enjoyed for their sweet flavor. The rind on Tendersweet is exceptionally thick, which makes it a good choice if you're going to be hauling it to market to sell or storing it in the ice box. We also recommend you try pickling the rind for an exceptionally refreshing summer treat and to extend the nutritional value you get from each watermelon.