Seeking Health Folinic Acid Lozenge 60 Lozenges Folic Acid 800 mcg Vitamin Lozenge

Was: $89.80
Now: $44.90
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Folinic Acid Lozenge by Seeking Health provides 800 mcg of Folate, as folinic acid calcium salt, in a convienent vitamin lozenge. Folinic Acid is a non-methlyated form of folate, making it suitable for people who are sensitive to methylated nutrients. Folinic acid is a bioavailable form of folate, that converts to methylfolate before being used in enzymatic reactions in the body. Adequate folate intake is important for supporting healthy fetal growth and development and for fertility support.* Folate is essential for cell division, growth, and the formation of new red blood cells. Folinic acid can easily convert to the active forms of folate as needed in the body.*