Relaxation & Breathing for Meditation

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Now: $42.45
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Adding to cart… The item has been added The importance of the breath is familiar to anyone who practices yoga, as is its significance in the pursuit of a deeper, more meditative state. But it never hurts to be reminded of that connection, especially as yoga's growing popularity has turned it in a more active, less contemplative direction. The title of this DVD program pretty much describes the content; it consists of two approximately 30-minute sections, one ("Conscious Relaxation") devoted to several easy, relaxation-inducing poses and the other ("Conscious Breahing") focusing entirely on the breath itself. (Also included are an 8-minute "guided meditation" and an interview with instructor Rodney Yee.) It's unlikely that you'll break a sweat, and you won't "go for the burn," as yoga practitioners seem intent on doing these days--but you might reach a place of stillness that's considerably more profound. Note: The use of certain props (mat, blanket, pillow, chair) is recommended. --Sam Graham Product Description Internationally acclaimed yoga instructor Rodney Yee guides a two-part programme of supported yoga poses and breathing techniques to bring the body and mind to a state of stillness. Part one, 'Conscious Relaxation' includes poses that help you access your own inner resources for healing. These poses prepare you for part two, 'Conscious Breathing', guided yoga breathing techniques that help create an overall sense of well-being. You can practice either together or separately.