Puerto Rican Coffee Beans Combo - Cafe Yaucono 2lb Cafe Oro 2lb - Roasted Coffee Beans

Was: $107.40
Now: $53.70
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Cafe Yaucono is an iconic brand; one which represents Puerto Rican coffee culture and tradition. This is the coffee that has been in every Puerto Rican household, and continues to be preferred by customers. It has the perfect medium-tasting roast mixed with prime coffee. Balanced flavors; smooth and balanced. Its careful preparation and taste has made it the favorite for generations. "Café Oro de Puerto Rico" was born from a Puerto Rican family with a great coffee tradition that for decades has produced and received the best coffee in Puerto Rico. Our "Gold Coffee of Puerto Rico" has the most advanced techniques and processes for your benefit from planting to the cup, carrying out the most advanced and strict quality controls in each process carried out in our "Gold Coffee of Puerto Rico" guaranteeing the best quality in your coffee cup.