Plow & Hearth Indoor Decorative Battery Operated LED Lighted Mini Pine Cone Garland with Faux Greenery 72'' L

Was: $119.86
Now: $59.93
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The Lighted Pine Cone Garland from Plow & Hearth adds a charming twinkle to your home. This beautiful lighted pine cone garland is a festive addition to your holiday decor, but also adds style throughout the year. A forest's bounty of mini pine cones and 32 warm white LEDs are run the length the realistic pine green garland. The bendable base makes it easy to use it anywhere. This everlasting accent has a timeless look that you'll enjoy for the holidays and years to come. With a built-in auto-timer, this garland lights up at the same time every day, runs for 6 hours and then turns off automatically for 18 hours. Our versatile Pine Cone Lighted Garland is battery-powered for easy use anywhere indoors. Try it on your mantel, hang it on a wall or use it on a table for gorgeous glowing effect. Garland takes 3 AA batteries, not included. Indoor use only.