Perfect Plants Indoor Plant Soil 4qt | Perfectly Balanced Potting Mix | Gardening Substrate for All Varieties of Live houseplants

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Now: $44.98
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Indoor Plant Soil from Perfect Plants Nursery makes it easy and simple to grow live houseplants; all without the use of slow-release fertilizer. Our proprietary blend of all-natural, farm-grade soil is made with real ingredients and has been shown to boost root, foliage, and flower production. Grow everything from money trees, golden pothos, hibiscus, bamboo, or your own food garden with patio vegetables, berry shrubs, or even a lemon tree. Houseplants make the perfect decorations in houses of all shapes and sizes; plus they've have been show to improve the air you breathe! Pot up some living decor to enhance the aesthetic of tiny apartments, living rooms, or even on your home office desk. Starting your own indoor forest has never been easier with this Amazing, Optimally draining houseplant mix. This perfectly balanced substrate can be used as a a home for aroids such as all pothos varieties, monstera, Peach lilies, Philodendron, Syngonium, alocasia, anthuriums, Dieffenbachias and more! Use this well draining soil mix along with our indoor plant fertilizer to really see your plants explode with growth and with happiness.