Outsidepride Sedum Oracle Ground Cover Plant Seed - 100 Seeds

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Now: $20.44
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Sedum (Sedum Forsterianum Oracle) - This stonecrop is an easy-care, heat and humidity tolerant succulent spreading 8 - 10 inches to form a dense, low mat. Grey-green foliage contrasts nicely with clusters of bright gold flowers. A great accent plant for containers, rock gardens or green walls. Plant en masse for an effective, waterwise ground-cover. This evergreen sedum thrives in poor soil in full sun. Sedum Oracle seeds can be sown indoors or directly outdoors. Indoor sowing can be done 6 - 8 weeks before last frost date. Use small pots or flats and sterile starter mix. Pre-moisten the starter mix and sow 5 - 7 Stonecrop seeds per container. The Sedum seeds are exceptionally small, so only press the ground cover seed into the moistened soil, and do not cover the seed. Keep the seeds moist but not saturated until they germinate. For outdoor sowing, wait until garden soil temperatures are 70F. Select a site with well-draining soil. If necessary amend soil with organic matter. Loosen the top 1 - 2 inches of soil, remove any weeds, and gently broadcast the Sedum ground cover seeds over the soil. Lightly press the seeds into the soil, and keep the seed continuously moist until germination.