Oleander Petite Pink | 10 Live Plants | Nerium | Compact Dwarf Evergreen Shrub

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This fast growing evergreen shrub performs beautifully as a landscape anchor plant, a natural screen, or planted along highway medians. Plants begin blooming in early summer and continue through mid-autumn. The flowers of the oleander form 2” blossoms in large showy clusters on the new growth of the plant. While their flowers don’t actually provide nectar, they trick pollinators such as bees and moths to pollinate them.  When the shrubs are not blooming, their leathery-green leaves are very attractive and give your landscape a tropical flair. Oleanders are typically evergreen but can lose foliage or die back to the ground when they are exposed to temperatures below 20 degrees F. Oleanders can also handle radiant heat very well from nearby walls and pavements and are very drought tolerant. Oleanders can grow in a variety of soil types but require good drainage. If you need to prune or shape your oleander be sure to do it in early spring to avoid loss of flowers. The Nerium Oleander 'Petite Pink' or Dwarf Oleander Pink produces soft pink flowers and is easy to grow, so they are a favorite for use in a flower garden or as an informal flowering hedge. Native to the Mediterranean, these evergreen shrubs will still reward your landscape with a bounty of beautiful pink color even with minimal care. As great as they are for hedges, we also like to plant them around patios, borders or use them to add lots of colors when lining a walkway or driveway. Butterflies and hummingbirds love the periodic blooms throughout the year too!