Ohsawa White Nama Shoyu - 8.45 oz

Was: $69.88
Now: $34.94
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White Shoyu is also known as Golden Tamari because of its beautiful honey color. Its fruity aroma and slightly sweet salty-yet-delicate flavor make it a great dipping and finishing sauce. Hand crafted in Aichi, Japan with locally grown ingredients and natural mineral water, Ohsawa White Nama Shoyu is brewed with twice the wheat of regular white shoyu, resulting in a thicker, tastier "soy sauce without the soy." Its mouthwatering umami taste brings out the best in food without darkening its color. Enjoy it on sushi, tofu, seafood, vegetables, even on fruit. Ingredients: Water, wheat, sea salt, distilled sake (water, rice, aspergillus oryzae, yeast), aspergillus oryzae.