Moonrays 11694 4-Watt Wedge Base Replacement Light Bulb4-Pack Amber

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Now: $28.77
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Product Description The Moonrays 11694 4-Watt 12-Volt Wedge Base Replacement Light Bulb is compatible and ideal for 12-volt low voltage landscape lighting. These 4-watt, 12-volt bulbs have an average lifespan of 500-hours, measure 1.5-inches in overall length (38-millimeters), are rated for 40-lumens and come in a 4-pack. These bulbs are amber and compatible with 12-volt low voltage lights. For best results, make sure to replace your bulbs with the same size and style of bulb that came with your original light. Let Moonrays help make your outdoor settings as beautiful, livable and enjoyable as any room in your home. The Moonrays 11694 4-Watt 12-Volt Wedge Base Replacement Light Bulb comes with a 1-year limited warranty, provided to the original purchaser, which protects this product from manufacturing defects in material, assembly and workmanship. Coleman Cable, Inc. is a leading manufacturer and innovator of electrical and electronic wire and cable products for the security, sound, telecommunications, electrical construction, retail, commercial, industrial, irrigation, HVAC and automotive markets. Coleman Cable, Inc. offers a family of leading brands such as Designers Edge, Yellow Jacket, Woods and Moonrays. From the Manufacturer Looking for more light? These are good replacement bulbs for low voltage landscape lighting. The-Wattage rating of your lighting control unit must be equal to or greater than the total-Wattage of all bulbs in the system. For example, if you have 10-fixtures, each requiring a 4-Watt replacement bulb, the rating on the control unit should be at least 40, but anything higher will work. Look on the back of the control unit to find the-Wattage and divide by the amount of fixtures in the set. These are rated at 12-Volt. TOLL FREE HOTLINE, 1-800-561-4321. If you have immediate questions about application, installation, troubleshooting, or a damaged component, please call CCI Consumer product hotline at 1-800-561-4321 or email questions to: