Mindflo 3Relaxation Meditation and Calm with Nature

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Mindflo 3 has been especially created to guide you into a rich natural experience in relaxation. This program was filmed in High Definition Known for his beautiful filming, HD cinematographer Norman Bosworth will take you on a journey through artfully filmed natural locations. You will enjoy the changing of the seasons in amazing detail. Fluid motion and rich stunning colors will move you as only High Definition Cinematography can. Because of the high quality of the HD original footage, you will see a noticeable picture improvement on any TV this program is viewed on. Mindflo 3 will play in ALL DVD players in ALL regions of the world. A lot of thought and love has gone into the making of this film. It is our intent that Mindflo 3 becomes a positive and useful resource facilitating your ability to reach within. Mindflo 3 has been created in a special way. There is one continuous 60 minute music video featured on this disc. Throughout the program the camera feels as though it is floating from scene to scene as you become absorbed into the beautiful visuals and music. The whole experience is designed to move you into your inner self. As you move into this calming space, expect to feel positive changes in your mind body connection. The unbroken 60 minute play time will allow you the time needed to reach deep within yourself. You will enjoy Mindflo 3 again and again.