Maca Root Capsules 600mg 08 Glucosinolates Lepidium Meyenii Peruvian Maca Root Extract Pills for Women and Men Gluten Free

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Our Maca Supreme is produced through our proprietary, specially developed, dehydration technique that recovers and preserves the concentration of Glucosinolates which are sensitive to high temperature and long exposure to the sun. This is why our Maca Root Supreme herb contains no less than 0.8% Glucosinolates with no excipients in comparison to other brands that are often standardized to only 0.6% Glucosinolates. Maca Root Supreme is made from Lepidium Meyenii Walp and is grown at well over 10,000 feet elevation in the Peruvian Puna. Maca cultivation extends back at least 2000+ years. Besides using maca as a fertility enhancer support, many people use our maca root for weight gain in body building, and some women are using it to obtain a bigger butt! The enormous health benefits of our certified & proprietary Maca Supreme are legendary among the native Peruvians who have been using it for thousands of years! There are many varieties of raw maca root. We encourage you to compare our maca root with any other maca supplement vitamins including red, black (negra) and yellow maca root. We feel confident you will see the difference in quality. Our Maca Supreme is in vegetarian capsules not tablets. Did you know that Blue Organix is a corporate supporter of Operation Underground Railroad? Every time you buy our products you are helping to fight human trafficking, most of which are children. A portion of our proceeds go to help fight for children who are being trafficked for very sinister purposes. Thank you for helping us end human trafficking! Peter Humleker ~ Founder Blue Organix