King Kong, King Kong vs Godzilla, King Kong Escapes

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King Kong Genre Drama/Action Summary Peter Jackson's expansive remake of the 1933 classic follows director Carl Denham (Jack Black) and his crew on a journey from New York City to the ominous Skull Island to film a new movie. Accompanying him are playwright Jack Driscoll (Adrien Brody) and actress Ann Darrow (Naomi Watts), who is whisked away by the monstrous ape, Kong, after they reach the island. The crew encounters dinosaurs and other creatures as they race to rescue Ann, while the actress forms a bond with her simian captor. King Kong vs Godzilla Genre Fantasy/Science Fiction Summary King Kong and Godzilla go head-to-head in an epic battle of the beast when the giant gorilla escapes from captivity in Japan and squares up to the recently thawed lizard. King Kong Escapes Genre Fantasy/Science Fiction Summary Dr Who decides to capture the real King Kong when it becomes clear that his mechanical copy is not capable of digging for the precious mineral he needs, but the giant Gorilla escapes and heads to Tokyo.