JC Toys - La Newborn Nursery 8 Piece Bunting Soft Body Baby Doll Gift Set 15-5 Life-Like Soft and Posable Newborn Doll w- Accessories Blue Bear Ages 2

Was: $127.88
Now: $63.94
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The La Newborn Collection of Real Life Baby dolls introduces its newest addition. Dressed in a beautiful blue outfit and matching bear themed bunting, our La Newborn is as sweet as can be. This precious La Newborn features a new delightful expression and striking brown eyes that are sure to melt your heart! Our new arrival is a 15.5" soft body doll with moveable arms, legs and head. A Family Businnes located in the United States, JC Toys is one of the leading online sources for lifelike baby doll girls and accessories, and you’re going to love the incredible value that we offer for this adorable newborn baby doll set!