Hamilton Beach FlexBrew Single Serve Coffee Maker Compatible with K-Cup Pods and Grounds Black -49974-

Was: $193.88
Now: $96.94
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For all the adventurous coffee drinkers out there, there's finally a coffee-brewing machine that can satisfy the taste buds in two different ways. The FlexBrew single-serve coffee maker allows the flexibility of brewing freshly ground coffee one minute or a single-serve pack the next. With its revolutionary method of brewing, the FlexBrew single-serve coffee maker is the ideal solution for coffee drinkers who value flexibility in their morning routine. A new favorite among coffee enthusiasts for its convenience and user-friendly features, the FlexBrew single-serve coffee maker makes fresh-ground coffee for pennies and boasts a major advantage over other single-serve brewers: A removable single-serve pack holder to allow for pre-measured and pre-packaged coffee.