FAXADELLA GiftedKids Wooden Building Blocks Set for Toddlers Kids Age | Educational Preschool Learning Toy | Includes Alphabet Puzzle and Numbers | Toddler Toys for 3+ Year Old Boy and Girl Gifts

Was: $109.40
Now: $54.70
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Wooden building block set-70 peice that gives toddlers of all ages and months and older unlimited possibilities, for building ,balancing, stacking and all kinds of hands-on early learning! It contains 70 wooden blocks . Let the building block set be a bridge to communicate with toddlers ,use our own actions to set an example for toddlers ,discover the strengths and weaknesses of them in time, give encouragement, criticism and guidance. Mother's preferred toy block gift for 2 year old girls and boys. Dimensions: Wooden blocks go from 1 inch to 4 inches Giftedkids bloques tambien disponible para niños , niñas , infantino de todos años