Deal Supplement Magnesium Glycinate Plus Vitamin C, 750mg, 200 Capsules | 100% Chelated for High Absorption | Supports Muscle Heart Bones Health, Leg Cramps, Stress Relief & Sleep

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Deal Supplement Magnesium Glycinate Plus Vitamin C, 750mg, 200 Capsules -Product Reveiw Magnesium Glycinate - The Best Absorbed Form of Magnesium As an essential mineral in the body, magnesium consititutes 300 ezymes in the human body and is necessary for all cell. It plays so many important role such as support metabolism, product cellular energy, promote normal muscle funtion, prevent leg cramps, keep normal heartbeat and help with deep&restfull sleep. Deal Supplement 100% Chelated Mangesium Glycinate will:? Support calmness and relaxation. ? Prevent muscle cramps, leg Cramps. ? Promote bones & teeth health. ? Allow deep & restfull sleep and reduced insomnia. ? Balance blood sugar and blood pressure.Premium Magnesium Glycinate Supplement with Vitamin C added to support overall health.Allergen Free, Non-GMO and Does NOT contain:Artificial Colors, Carriers, Fillers, Flavors, Sweeteners, Preservatives, Gluten, Diary, Soy, Egg, Wheat, Fish, Shelfish, Tree nuts and Peanuts.Guaranteed Potency and Purity at Great Price-Made in USADeal Supplement aims to provide the highest Potency and Puriest supplements at an affordable price.Deal Supplement Promise - 60 Days Unconditional Money Back Guarantee