Cisbay BIOPOND 0.5 lb Bag - Natural and Biological Water Treatment Solutions for Ponds, Lakes, Aquatic, KOI Ponds - FAST RESULT!

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BIOPOND is the microbial biotechnology solution to help maintain your ponds and lakes clean and clear the natural way. BIOPOND uses its unique and superlative beneficial microbes to break out the excess nutrients, pull them away from the water columns and restate the water to its naturally beautiful and healthy condition without the undesirable side effects of chemicals. BIOPOND has been sold worldwide for Commercial and Industrial applications.


* All-natural, extremely concentrated beneficial microbes

* Clears pond naturally by removing excess nutrients and improve water clarity

* Reduces ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, phosphorus, COD and BOD

* Reduces toxic blue-green algae, hydrogen sulfide, and odors

* Reduces organic waste, bottom sludge and suspended solids

* Removes toxins which promotes healthier fish and other aquatic life

* Helps maintain optimum pH and create a balanced ecosystem

* Safe for fish, pets, birds, livestock, plants and wildlife

* Produces and stimulates the beneficial bacteria in your pond filter for peak performance

* Highly effective biological filtration process of mineralization, nitrification and denitrification

* Formulated and manufactured in the USA to ensure the highest quality and consistency

Initial Dosage: 5g (1 teaspoon) treats up to 500 gallons of water. 0.5 oz (1 tablespoon) per 1,000 gallons of water. 0.5 lb per 50,000 gallons of water. Apply every 3 days until your water clarity met.

Maintenance Dosage: 5g (1 teaspoon) up to 1,000 gallons of water. 0.5 oz (1 tablespoon) per 2,000 gallons. 0.5 lb per acre-foot of water. Apply bi-monthly or weekly as needed.

Apply Method: If there are fish or aquatic lives in the water, it is best to mix BIOPOND with a small bucket of water before apply to avoid fish eating. Otherwise, sprinkle it in the pond is the best way.