cfmour Rubiks Cube, Rubix Cube Speed Cube Set,2x2 3x3 4x4 5x5 Carbon Fiber Sticker Cube Bundle for Kids

Was: $77.88
Now: $38.94
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About CFMOUR Cube

Upgrade version of carbon fiber Rubics Cube Rubix Mind Game Kids Cube Professional Speed Puzzle Toys, Square Puzzle UK Based - Exercise your mind and solve this classic puzzle that has millions occupied. 

 - Our Speed Cube is very educational and helps to develop the fingers as well as the brain. 

 - Our Mgic Cube can foster your kid's sense of space and enhance a child's memory. 

 - Our Puzzle Cube is also a teaching tool to help students enhance their geometry thinking ability.

 - Our Rubiks Cube improves anti-pop technology and structure for extremely fast and smooth cornering, It doesn't corner twist as often nor does it lock up and difficult to pop.

 - The latest generation of spring-adjustable designs: CFMOUR allows you to finely adjusting the tightness of the magic cube, you'll be able to get the speed and smooth cube as you wish. Easily find the perfect magic cube for yourself!

How to adjust your own cube?