Ceylon Coco Coir Brick -Coconut Coir Bliss-Coir Pith- Potting Mix for Organic Use -Coco Block 3KG- 6.5lb-

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Product description Ceylon coco coir Brick / Pith is an organic byproduct gained during extraction of Coir fiber from coconut husk. The coir fiber is then washed, heat-treated, screened and graded before being processed into coco bricks.  It is a natural, unique, spongy cellulose plant growing medium suitable for home or commercial use. It has high water retention capacity for plant growth. Our Ceylon coco coir is dissolved easily in water. Coco Coir can be substituted for peat moss. Great addition to potting mixes Provides excellent air porosity Superior water retention Improves irrigation efficiency Faster germination times & quicker seedling rotations Environmentally preferable to alternatives, as it will degrade slower than other peats. Size: 11.8 x 11.8 x 3.3 inches Ph : 5.5 – 6.5 Weight: 6.5 pounds (3Kg) How to use: Remove the bag and place the Ceylon Coco Coir Brick in a large container Slowly add 2 to 4 gallons of warm water Wait 15-30 minutes and breakup any large pieces using a hand tool. The brick will expand and be ready to use. Since Coco coir does not have significant nutrients, it may be beneficial to add fertilizer.