Bonnie Plants Sun Sugar Yellow Cherry Tomato - 4 Pack Live Plants Disease Resistant 7 - 9'. Tall Plants Great for Salads & Snacking

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Although called yellow cherry, these little tomatoes are orange at their peak, making almost more bite-sized bursts of sweetness than YOU can imagine on each plant. A single healthy plant is capable of producing hundreds. Several years ago, sun sugar was named by Sunset magazine as the best tasting tomato in their trials for its sweetness & rich tomato flavor that includes just The Right amount of tartness. This disease-resistant plant is one of our very best Cherry tomatoes & are easy to grow. The fruits are fantastic for salads or to just set out in bowls for snacking. Give the vines plenty of room; They can get 7' Long or more & will bear through heat until frost, so give them a tall cage for support. Plants are resistant to Fusarium Wilt & tomato mosaic Virus.