Black Eyed Susan Seeds - Rudbeckia Hirta - Attracts Butterflies 10,000 Seeds

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Now: $20.94
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North American flowering sunflower family plant, long blooming spring and summer wildflowers. Black eyed Susan's are widely cultivated in summer bedding schemes, boarders, containers, and landscapes in prairie style planting. They will match well with Gloriosa daisy, Cone flowers, and Shasta daisy.

Best to plant seeds late fall just below soil surface in full sun or partial shade. about 16" apart - average soil - keeping lightly moist - 2 to 3 weeks for them to germinate. Spring planting can be tricky with this flower seed as they will need to stratified (pre-treated) to simulate natural conditions for 30 days in fridge before planting.

Rudbeckia will grow the first year from flower seeds planted in the fall then return in the spring and summer blooming from deeply established roots