Anthonys Organic Nettle Leaf 1 lb Gluten Free Non GMO Cut and Sifted Non Irradiated Keto Friendly

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Now: $39.94
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Don't let this normally prickly plant scare you! The nettle leaves actually don't prick you after they have been dried! The dried nettle leaf is perfect for making nettle tea, which is known for its refreshing, rooty, and slightly bitter taste. All you need is some nettle leaf, water, and a strainer! Native to Europe, Asia, Northern Africa, and North America, Nettle is now grown across the world and has been used as a home remedy for centuries. Anthony's Organic Nettle Leaf is Gluten Free, Non-GMO and cut and sifted for your perfect cup of tea. It can also be used to make pesto, pasta, soup, tea, bread, dips, and many other dishes! Directions: To make nettle tea, boil 8 ounces of water with 1-2 teaspoons of nettle leaves. Let the tea steep for 10 minutes, then strain and serve.