Andrew Lessman Fiber Benefits Powder 120 Servings - Lemon-Lime Gentle Natural SolubleInsoluble Fiber Promotes Regularity Cleansing_ Psyllium Husk Oat Apple Grapefruit Guar Gum Probiotics

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FIBER BENEFITS is a comprehensive, all-natural fiber-based supplement designed to promote regularity and to provide gentle, cleansing support when needed. It is designed to support and maintain the health of several different internal systems. FIBER BENEFITS is a unique blend of 5 different sources of fiber, providing both soluble and insoluble (bulk) fiber. In addition to offering the benefits of fiber from Psyllium Husk, Oat, Apple, Grapefruit and Guar, it also contains Lactobacillus sporogenes, to support a healthy gastrointestinal tract. Dietary fiber provides a myriad of healthful benefits and is often overlooked as an important component in the American diet. The insoluble (bulk) fiber in this product also helps to "scour" the digestive tract, removing undigested food, debris and other by-products. Fiber also speeds gastrointestinal (GI) transit time (the time it takes for food to pass through you) and, as a result, can help remove digestive by-products sooner. Fiber can also provide a natural feeling of fullness to support most diet plans, while the Apple and Grapefruit pectins, when taken in combination with a healthy diet, also help to maintain healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels already within the normal range. We include L sporogenes to support the beneficial proliferation of the healthy bacteria in your intestines. The natural flora (good bacteria) in the GI tract also provides additional health benefits, which include supporting the absorption of vital nutrients. FIBER BENEFITS not only provides the fiber that is so often lacking in our modern diet, but also delivers our beneficial flora to support the health of the gastrointestinal tract and several other internal organs and systems.