Advanced Clinicals Coconut Oil Cream and Argan Oil Cream Set Value skincare set contains bestselling Coconut Oil and Argan Oil Antiaging creams for face hands body Two spa size 16oz creams

Was: $73.88
Now: $36.94
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Top rated moisturizing creams available in value set! Advanced Clinicals coconut oil is great on dry and cracked skin. Made with Organic Lavender Extract, and Chamomile. Glycerin and Aloe Vera provide immediate hydration for a healthy, glowing complexion. Exfoliate dry and dull skin. Argan oil is a great for all skin conditions. Unique blend of argan oil, and other great anti-aging ingredients can be used on face, decollete, hands, and body. Moisturize dry skin or cuticles. Can be added after you shampoo or conditioner to treat split ends and frizzy hair. Non-greasy or sticky formulas absorb into skin quickly. For best-results use after applying Advanced Clinicals serum.