30+ ORGANICALLY Grown Italian Tuscany Cantaloupe Muskmelon Melon Seeds, Heirloom Non-GMO, Extra Sweet and Fragrant, Productive, from USA

Was: $37.88
Now: $18.94
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(Cucumis melo.) a.k.a. Tuscan Melon. Super sweet and fragrant! The Tuscan cantaloupe is a sweet gourmet treat, readily seducing the most demanding palate with sensuous flavor. Thick flesh, small seed cavity. Bursting with flavor and aroma! Salmon colored fruits are 3-5 pounds, sutured and finely netted. Striped outer skin. Excellent market seller. With a small seed cavity and fine rind, Tuscany Melon offers more edible pleasure for the pound. This melon is an excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin A and will keep well up to 2 weeks if refrigerated. Annual. 100 days. HOW TO GROW: In cooler climates, melons may benefit from black plastic to warm the soil; mulch also helps to conserve necessary moisture, control weeds, and keep the melons clean. As the melon ripens, it will turn golden and become very fragrant; the stem should come off easily, and the blossom end should be slightly soft. The melon will keep for several weeks in a cool place. *** **SOIL Temperature for Germination: 70F. **Plant Spacing: 5-6 feet, Row Spacing: 5-6 feet apart. **Planting Depth: 1/2" **Hardiness: Zones 4-10 **Sun Requirement: Full Sun / Part Shade. **Days to Germination: 14-20 days **Germination Rate: 96%.