20 Bear Grass Sasquatch Balls. The Ultimate Seed Bombs for The Western US. -Xerophyllum tenax-

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Sasquatch Balls are Western US Native wildflower seeds that have been rolled in our special matrix, providing an optimal environment for early seedling development. Place Sasquatch Balls on the soil surface and press down a bit. Seeds will germinate when conditions are optimal for the species. Blear Grass Dense plume of small white flowers held a loft on 6 foot stems Native to West Coast, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming Prefers full sun and sandy or loamy soils Dry to moist water requirements Sow in Fall and Winter Zones: 4-10 A note about seed balls: Seed balls protect the seeds from erosion, foraging, and many other factors. This protective property often results in a slower germination cycle. Wildflowers are also highly variable in their germination rates. Please be patient with your seed balls. If you placed them in a suitable location, soil, and climate, when the seeds are ready, they will grow!