Zinnia Elegans Seeds, Dahlia Flowered Mix, Pack of 1,500 Seeds by SeedsGo

Was: $77.00
Now: $38.50
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Zinnias are popular garden flowers because they come in a wide range of flower colors and shapes, and they can withstand hot summer temperatures, and are easy to grow from seeds. Sow outdoors in rich, moist, well-drained soil, after the danger of frost has passed and daytime temperatures are above 55-60o F. Cover with a minimal amount of soil. Once seedlings reach 3-4 inches tall, thin to one plant every 10-12 inches. Zinnias are prone to mildew, so water carefully at the bottom of the plant to avoid wetting stems or leaves. Zinnias will thrive with a bit of neglect, so let the soil dry out at bit between waterings. In colder climates, start inside 4 weeks before the last frost and transplant outside after hardening.