ZenVizion 5.31" Sri Yantra Wall Decor Mandala (Round), Sacred Geometry Wall Art Yoga Decor, Crystal Grid, Wooden Art Symbol, Meditation Decor, Spiritual Decor, Car Hanger

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Now: $27.30
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Yantras are a form of Sacred Geometry, ANCIENT TECHNOLOGY DEVICES that work on a QUANTUM LEVEL and act as TUNING FORKS that constantly TRANSFORM/ATTUNE the ENERGY around to be in RESONANCE with selves. Meditation on Yantras increases its effects. MODERN SCIENCE has proved that the Universe is built on vibrations of quantum particle waves. Every vibrational FREQUENCY HAS A FORM, A SHAPE that it is represented by in a PHYSICAL REALITY. Same as quantum particles vibrating at certain frequencies arrange themselves into physical forms, FORMS shaped in a certain way in physical world start ARRANGING/TRANSFORMING the QUANTUM PARTICLES in space around it. This BASIC PRINCIPLE has been applied for 1000s of years by Chinese in Feng Shui, as well as Incas, Egyptians, Aztecs, Atlanteans, and others using Sacred symbols in their culture in daily life and ceremonies. Rothschilds, Rockefellers royal families, secret societies Illuminati & Freemasons are no exception and use that knowledge proficiently. Symbols are a FORGOTTEN SCIENCE of simple yet powerful GEOMETRICAL SHAPES (triangles, squares, circles, lines, n-gons, petals) that can be arranged into the most complex and stunning aesthetic works of art that also carry SIGNIFICANT ENERGETIC ASPECT behind that beauty. Sri Yantra aka the mother of all Yantras represents the UNIVERSE on a Macrocosmic level and HUMAN BODY on a Microcosmic. Feminine & masculine, Shakti (DESIRE) & Shiva (MANIFESTATION), Antimatter (THOUGHT) & matter (MANIFESTED thought). Its ENERGY SIGNATURE RESONATES PERFECT HARMONY AND BALANCE all around it bringing PARTICLES IN SPACE and CELLS IN HUMAN BODY to ORDER. Whereas HAPPINESS, GOOD FORTUNE, PROSPERITY & ABUNDANCE are the RESULT of those. Sri Yantra CREATES PROPER SITUATION for the human to realize oneself as the CREATOR of one's own REALITY through connection with one's HIGHEST SELF - the SPIRIT of a human Soul, that which is the PURE EMANATION of its own UNIQUE CREATIVE vibrational FREQUENCY.