Zazzee USDA Organic Beet Root 150 Vegan Capsules 1100 mg per Serving USDA Certified Organic 100 percent Pure Beta Vulgaris Organically Stabilized Vegan All-Natural and Non-GMO

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Now: $44.92
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Zazzee Naturals Organic Beet Root provides contains 150 capsules per bottle and is the only USDA Certified Organic Beet Root on the market -- an amazing value! Some of the many benefits of Zazzee Naturals Organic Beet Root include:
  • Certified USDA Organic
  • Contains 150 capsules per bottle
  • Contains 550 mg per capsule
  • Contains a two and a half month supply
  • Contains 100% Pure Beta Vulgaris
  • Stabilized organically
  • 100% vegan, non-GMO, and allergen-free
  • Lifetime MOney Back Guarantee
The combination of USDA Organic Certification, 150 capsuls per bottle and 550 mg per capsule make our Organic Beet Root an incredible value! The only USDA Certified Organic Beet Root Available! Zazzee Naturals Organic Beet Root capsules is the only USDA Certified Organic Beet Root on the market! Why is it important to purchase Beet Root that is Certified Organic? Any Beet Root that is not certified organic can be contaminated and toxic to your body. Taking Beet Root is not organic can be counterproductive, since a product that is meant to detox the body could actually be adding toxins to the body! Organic, Natural, Vegan, and Non-GMO All ingredients, including the capsule, are USDA Certified Organic and 100% vegan. Our Organic Beet Root does not contain any sweeteners, artificial flavors, corn, wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish, shellfish, or tree nut ingredients. Manufactured in the USA, in an FDA approved facility with adherence to good manufacturing policies (GMP) and under the most stringent quality control. Enjoy the benefits of a potent, premium-grade USDA Certified Organic Beet Root supplement - at a very affordable price!