Yoni Steam Herbs for Cleansing and Detox - 100 percent Natural Vaginal Steam - Premium Yoni Herbs Blended by Certified Practitioner for Vaginial Steaming and Womb Cleanse - 4oz. - Enough for 8 V Steams

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Yoni Steaming, Vagisteam, V Steam, Vagina Steam, Chai-yok; whatever you want to call it, it all means the same thing and it is one of the most relaxing and self-loving rituals a female can do for themselves. Everyone will experience something different but some common reported benefits of a vee cleanse include: ? Used a couple of days before your period it can help reduce menstrual cramps, bloating + exhaustion ? Used ongoing it creates womb wellness, acting as a fertility cleansing kit by shedding any build up on the uterine wall ? This womb cleanse / uterine detox aids in helping women fall pregnant and give birth ? Is a vaginal moisturizer giving menopause relief to dryness or pain during intercourse ? Helps restore and balance the body's PH and aid in prevention of BV and other down under issues. ? Regulates absent or irregular cycles and used ongoing reduces menstrual flow ? Helps prevent ingrown hair from waxing ? Heals + tones the reproductive system after child birth ? Regular therapy helps maintain healthy vaginal odour to keep your vee fresh ? Vagina steams release emotional stored energy ? Assists with healing of haemorrhoids The primary ingredient in our blend is Artemisia Argyi also known as Mugwort. One of the ancient sacred herbs known for spiritual cleansing. Mugwort helps balances female hormones and stimulates their production to maintain uterine health that can help fertility. Our other vaginal steaming herbs; including motherwort, rose petals and lavender; combine to act as a womb cleanser leading to less cramping and better periods. A yonni steam is an essential female wellness ritual that is both gentle and holistic. Use on a regular basis to ensure your yoni stays fresh and healthy. We know you will love our 100% Natural Yoni Herbs. Pair with our Eve Sante steaming seat for the ultimate Home Spa Yoni Kit.