Woohome 12 PCS Patch Embroidered Wave Sunset Iron on Applique Patch for Craft, Sewing, Clothing, Other Fabrics

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Woohome Iron on patches set - DIY sewing decoration appliques stickers embroidery patches cloth. You can use these patches to cover the flaw part of your clothes or just for DIY decoration. Packaging includes: 27 x Assorted size Space Planets Patches Feature: Size: between 5.7cm to 10cm (between 2.25 inch to 4 inch) Material: fabric Iron-on Instructions: - Set iron to hottest setting. Do not use water or steam. - Place your applique or embroidered patch in the desired position, cover patch with a fine cloth. - Press firmly with iron for about 45-60 seconds until the glue is stick on garment. - Repeat ironing several times on the back. - Please allow patch to cool before testing. - Repeat the process if needed to ensure the patch is secure. - If you want the applique more secure, you can sew along the side of the applique.