WINGONEER Multi-Functional Expansion Board Shield for Arduino UNO R3 L49

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WINGONEER Multi-functional Expansion Board Shield for Arduino UNO R3 (L49) Description: This is an open-source code base and Simple i / o platform, and with the use of a similar java, C language development environment. 2009 UNO LENARDO 2560 controller seamlessly mainstream 4 -way LED indicator ( LED indicator to know the importance , in the actual doing projects , with this indicator can be used directly working status LED indicates the procedure to facilitate debugging. DS18B20 temperature sensor interface that can be done to measure the temperature of the experiment , this price does not include the DS18B20 Oh, needed another shot . LM35 temperature sensor interface that can be done to measure the temperature of the experiment , this price does not include LM35 Oh, needed another shot . 3296 precision adjustable potentiometer, analog input port ( can be used for controlling LED brightness, turn the steering angle , the digital voltage, etc. Integrated infrared receiver that can fit any infrared remote control experiments , the price also does not include the integrated receiver and needed another shot . Four digital tube ( using 74HC595 driver provincial IO learning SPI), you can do digital display experiment ( can display temperature , voltage, counter value , etc. ) . Three separate buttons, a reset button , the button can do experiments ( HMI ) . The buzzer sound can be used for experiments . Bluetooth, wireless interfaces, voice module , voice recognition module can be used for wireless communication experiment Infrared detection interface, easy and infrared docking realization of human traffic statistics , etc Package includes: 1x Multi-functional Expansion Board Shield for Arduino UNO R3