Wildflower Mix | Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company

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Now: $35.94
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This wildflower mix is 100% pure seed, and contains approximately two ounces of seed from sixteen different species of gorgeous wildflowers - enough for planting an area of approximately 300 square feet. The flower species assembled here were chosen to give you a wide variety of blossom sizes, a diversity of flower shapes, several different plant heights, and an array of rich, vibrant colors.Wildflower seed mix includes: Bachelor Button, Baby's Breath, Chinese Forget Me Not, Calendula, Zinnia, Cosmos Sensation Mix, Marigold-Crackerjack, Godetia, Black-eyed Susan, Rocket Larkspur, Love in a Mist, Corn Poppy, Clarkia, Plains Coreopsis, Drummond's Phlox, Sunflower Sungold, Indian Blanket, Bird's Eyes, Strawflower, Tricolor Daisy, Pampas Plume, Sweet Sultan, Mignonette, Visnaga, China Pink