White Lotus Vegan Natural Deodorant

Was: $73.86
Now: $36.93
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If you love Rose and Geranium, you'll adore this romantic deodorant! Perfect for keeping you dry and smelling floral fresh all day. Moroccan Rose Absolute, Egyptian Geranium, Bergamot, and White Lotus Absolute combined with a unique blend of ingredients to naturally combat excess moisture and control odor while treating the sensitive underarm skin to lightweight, healing ingredients, and skin beneficial essential oils. This Zero baking soda means zero irritation! Powdered Magnesium and Organic Potato Starch offers the powerful combination to combat moisture and odor. t's our belief you can achieve subtle, beautifully fragranced deodorants that work to combat moisture and odor without compromise! The ingredient combination in our deodorants will offer dry underarms, naturally fragrant benefits without the ineffectiveness and/or irritation many natural deodorants cause.